
Concept X ICEVIEW Magazine

Where: Periphery & Center

Iceland: Nothingness – Somethingness

This concept was created together with ICEVIEW Magazine and begins with questions—both of ourselves and of our surroundings. How do we experience remote places? How do our perceptions of ourselves and each other shift in relation to our geography? How do we as bodies and minds move through spaces of the unknown and the mystical? How are we transformed by landscape – and how is landscape transformed by us?

Known for its remote expanses, its dramatic landscapes, and its magical aura of the fantastical, the musical, and the artistic, Iceland is not only geographically, but also metaphysically, imposing. In this trip we will be investigating these themes of ephemerality, metaphysics, and isolation, by beginning with an excursion into nature. Travelling along the periphery of the country, we will visit artist-in-residency programs and studios and move slowly towards the capital city of Reykjavik. Through this journey, we will enable an experience of shifting mentality between remote and urban spaces to witness a transformation both of ourselves and our surroundings.

Iceland will be an experimental, collaborative journey. We at Where About Now will explicitly play with the idea of the unknown—allowing for creative discovery through travel with our partners at ICEVIEW. How can experience art as a journey through the darkness and the unknown?

Between complete darkness and complete light. Between language and silence. Between somethingness and nothingness.

Where About Now x ICEVIEW Magazine